Infrared Sauna
One Session - $55
Package of Five - $250
The sun is the principal source of infrared energy that we experience daily. The infrared sauna is just like the heat from the sun. The infrared energy applied in the infrared sauna may induce up to 2-3 times the sweat volume of a traditional hot-air sauna, while operating at a significantly cooler air temperature range of 110-130 degrees F versus 180-235 degrees F. Due to the deep penetration of the infrared rays of over 1.5" into the skin, there is a heating effect deep in the muscular tissues and the internal organs. The infrared sauna has been recognized throughout history and by different cultures as a viable means of relaxing and cleansing the body, improving overall health, and promoting a sense of well being.
The infrared sauna is in a separate room to maximize the client's privacy. The client will undress according to individual comfort level and sit inside the sauna for 30 minutes. Wiping excess sweat from the body will maximize your session by allowing your body to cleanse itself more efficiently. Water intake is highly recommended before, during, and after each session.
Weight loss: Burns 900-2400 calories in just one 30 min session
Release of accumulated toxins such as pesticides, PCB's, drug residues, acidic wastes and non-essential trace metals
Improvements in symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis
Improves skin tone and elasticity, softens scars, helps restore beautiful, youthful, and glowing skin
Increased oxygenation of the tissues and cells
Greatly speeds up any anti-cellulite program
Increases circulation, oxygen and nutrient delivery within the body
Improvement in immune, cardiovascular, and pulmonary function
Alleviate of pain and improved joint mobility
Helps with sprains, strains and muscle spasm
Improves psoriasis
Used in cancer therapy and shows great promising results
It assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates, edema, and exudates
Sunburn- Infrared radiations are the only antidote to excessive ultraviolet radiation
Relaxation and enjoyment- Removes stress in a comfortable and warm temperature
Health Mate manufactures saunas for different companies and they only put their name on this model. Health Mate is crafted with Canadian western red cedar, which is resistant to bacteria and fungi.
Our sauna is also equipped with LED Light Therapy (phototherapy). LED light therapy is reported to reduce swelling, relieve pain, decrease inflammation, accelerate open wound healing, and greatly reduce overall recovery times after medical/surgical procedures. LED Light Therapy can be used for pain management such as joint pain and back pain, sore or torn muscles, sprains, arthritis, post-surgical scars, burns and wounds. It is one of the most effective and non-invasive ways to repair the body. LED Light Therapy is also used to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Phototherapy helps with SAD by resetting the internal biological (circadian rhythms) clock, helping individuals sleep better and regulation mood. LED Light Therapy is anti-aging. Many individuals have seen a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow's feet and age spots.
Adrenal suppression
Recent myocardial infraction
Unstable angina pectoris
Severe aortic stenosis
Alcoholism or recent alcohol consumption
Heart disease
Pregnant women should be monitored closely by a qualified health care professional
Systemic lupus
Multiple sclerosis
Infrared Sauna is not intended to cure or prevent disease. Consult your physician before using the Infrared Sauna.